The Evening News Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Tuesday, June 20, 1933 - Page 2 — Chess Expert, Sought In Death, Shoots Self — By United Press, Hollywood, June 20.—Clifford Sherwood, Los Angeles writer and chess expert, shot himself, police said today, while they were seeking him in connection with the fatal shooting of Miss Gabrielle Andrieux, young French modiste. Sherwood fired a bullet into his head while driving through Burbank, police reported. He was expected to die.
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The Ogden Standard-Examiner Ogden, Utah Tuesday, June 20, 1933 - Page 11 — Suspect Dying Of Gun Wound - Suitor Wanted For Murder Attempted Suicide, Police Say — Los Angeles, June 20.—(AP)—Sought to answer for the slaying of Miss Gabriella Andrieux, French seamstress, Clifford Sherwood was found in a street in nearby Burbank early today with a bullet wound in his head. Police said the wound was apparently self-inflicted. An emergency operation in an effort to save his life was performed at a hospital where he was taken by Burbank police. Hospital attaches said he was dying. Miss Andrieux, 28, was killed yesterday in a Hollywood bungalow. The regular occupant of the bungalow, Mrs. Lucie Belville, a dressmaker, said that Sherwood, a chess expert, had threatened to kill the woman if she did not marry him.
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San Pedro News-Pilot San Pedro, California Tuesday, June 20, 1933 - Page 1 — Slayer of Modiste Kills Self - Nephew of 2 Governors In East Suicides — Clifford Sherwood, Los Angeles Writer, Found Dying in Burbank, Hollywood, June 20. (UP) — Clifford Sherwood, 40, said to be a member of a prominent New England family, died at noon today from a bullet he sent into his head as police sought him in connection with the murder late yesterday of his sweet heart. Sherwood was found early this morning in Burbank slumped over the steering wheel of his automobile and, although police remained constantly at his side hoping to question him about the death of Miss Gabrielle Andrieux, 28-year-old French modiste, he never regained consciousness.
KNOWN AS WRITER. Sherwood, well known locally as a writer and a chess expert was removed to general hospital. Attendants there said there was little chance for him to live.
A newspaper clipping from the Bridgeport, Conn., post of October 6, 1930, found in Sherwood's luggage, led police to identify Sherwood as the nephew of the late Phineas G. Lounsbury, governor of the same state from 1889 to 1901.
Inspector of Detective David Davidson said there was no doubt in his mind about the relationship.
MODISTE SLAIN. Miss Andrieux, a native of Boudeville, France, was bludgeoned with a bottle and then shot to death late yesterday in her bungalow in the heart of Hollywood. She had been employed here for several years as a modiste and had been keeping company with Sherwood for several weeks.
Friends said the pair quarreled Sunday when Miss Andrieux turned down Sherwood's demand that she marry him.
The clipping from the Bridgeport Post reported that Sherwood, Los Angeles newspaperman was then visiting his father, William Sherwood, of Westport, Conn. It went on to state Sherwood was the nephew of two Connecticut governors. Sherwood at that time was employed on a local newspaper.
IN ESTATE CONTEST. A second clipping in Sherwood's luggage, one taken from a Los Angeles paper, told of Sherwood contesting the settlement of the $1,000,000 estate of Phineas Lounsbury. The contest was taken on the ground that the former governor's will contained no record or money entrusted to him for Sherwood by Sherwood's grandmother, Sarah Sherwood, wealthy New York social worker. The grandmother, according to the account, helped for years with the work of the McAuley Water Street Mission in New York.
Miss Andrieux lived with and was employed by Lucie Belville. Many people of local importance bought creations from them although police said there was no record of motion picture people having dealt with them.
HEAR THREE SHOTS. Neighbors said that a man resembling Sherwood appeared at the Belville-Andrieux bungalow during the absence of Miss Belville late yesterday. Miss Andrieux answered the door bell. There was an argument and Miss Andrieux went inside. The visitor followed her. A few seconds later the neighbors said they hear three revolver shots and then saw the man run from the bungalow, get into his automobile and drive away.
Police arrived to find Miss Andrieux stretched on the floor where she was knocked down as she apparently attempted to reach the telephone. Authorities said they believed she was struck to the floor with a bottle and then shot to death while unconscious.
The search for Sherwood started immediately because of the identification by neighbors. It ended when Sherwood's unconscious form was found in his automobile this morning.
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The Fresno Bee The Republican Fresno, California Tuesday, June 20, 1933 - Page 2 — Hollywood Girl Murdered, Lover Ends Own Life. Writer, Scion of New England Family, Dies After Modiste Is Slain. — Killer Escapes from Dress Shop After Crime. Police Search Ends At Burbank; Kin of Two Governors Found Dying. — By the United Press, Hollywood, June 20.—Clifford Sherwood, 40, said to be a member of a prominent New England family, died at noon today from a bullet he sent into his head as police sought him in connection with the murder late yesterday of his sweetheart. Sherwood was found early this morning in Burbank slumped over the steering wheel of his automobile and, although police remained constantly at his side hoping to question him about the death of Miss Gabrielle Andrieux, 28-year-old French modiste, he never regained consciousness.
KNOWN AS WRITER. Sherwood was well known locally as a writer and a chess expert. A newspaper clipping from the Bridgeport (Conn.) Post of October 6th, 1930, found in Sherwood's luggage led police to identify Sherwood as the nephew of the late Phineas G. Lounsbury, governor of the same state from 1889 to 1901. Sherwood had been sought since the body of Miss Andrieux was found in her bungalow sewing shop late yesterday. Her head had been crushed by a beer bottle, and there were three bullet wounds in her body. Neighbors reported seeing a well-dressed man quit the scene a few moments later and dash away in a sedan.
PLANNED TO FLEE. The two had been friends for some time, but Sunday had quarreled. Sherwood told friends he planned to leave town, possibly for Carmel.
Sherwood's personal effects were found in his car and police believed he had driven aimlessly about the metropolitan area all night.
Miss Andrieux, a native of Boudeville, France, had been employed here for a number of years as a modiste and had been keeping company with Sherwood for several weeks.
REFUSES MARRIAGE DEMAND. Friends said the pair quarreled Sunday when Miss Andrieux turned down Sherwood's demand that she marry him.
The clipping from the Bridgeport Post reported that Sherwood, then a Los Angeles newspaperman, was visiting his father, William Sherwood, of Westport, Conn.
A second clipping in Sherwood's luggage, one taken from a Los Angeles paper, told of Sherwood contesting the settlement of the $1,000,000 estate of Phineas Lounsbury.
EMPLOYER ABSENT. Miss Andrieux lived with and was employed by Lucie Belville. Many people of local importance bought dresses from them.
Neighbors said that a man resembling Sherwood appeared at the bungalow during the absence of Miss Belville late yesterday. Miss Andrieux answered the door bell. There was an argument and Miss Andrieux went inside. The visitor followed her. A few seconds later the neighbors said they heard three revolver shots and then saw the man run from the bungalow, get into his automobile and drive away.
KIN IN CONNECTICUT. Danbury, (Conn.) June 20.—(AP)— Clifford Sherwood, found shot in an automobile while being sought by police in connection with the shooting of an actress at Los Angeles, was a grand nephew of two Connecticut governors.
His grandmother, Mrs. Alson Sherwood, was Sarah Lounsbury, a sister of Phineas C. and George E. Lounsbury, brothers, who were governors of Connecticut.
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Tulare Advance-Register Tulare, California Tuesday, June 20, 1933 - Page 4 — Fighting Faces
Logansport Pharos-Tribune Logansport, Indiana Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 2 — Wealthy New York Man Kills Self — Hollywood, Calif. — Clifford Sherwood, 40, member of a prominent New York family died of self inflicted bullet wounds here today shortly after police arrested him in connection with the murder of his sweetheart Gabrielle Andrieux, petite modiste.
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Standard-Sentinel Hazleton, Pennsylvania Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 9 — Found Shot in Head. — Los Angeles, June 20. (AP) — Clifford Sherwood, 40, found shot in the head early today while police hunted for him as the slayer of Gabriella Andrieux, French seamstress, shot to death in a Hollywood bungalow yesterday, died this afternoon at the county hospital. Officers said Sherwood apparently had committed suicide.
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San Pedro News-Pilot San Pedro, California Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 11 — Close Investigation in Modiste's Murder — Los Angeles, June 21. (UP)— Recording the case as one of murder and suicide, police today closed their investigation into the violent deaths of Gabrielle Andrieux, 28-year-old French modiste, and her sweetheart, Clifford Sherwood, writer, chess player and a grand-nephew of two former governors of Connecticut. Authorities said their was no doubt in their minds that Sherwood, 40, shot himself through the head after he first killed Miss Andrieux at the conclusion of a lover's quarrel.
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Hartford Courant Hartford, Connecticut Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 1 — Belief Suicide Kin of Conn. Governors — While authorities sought him for the slaying of Gabrielle Andrieux, 28, Hollywood French modiste, Clifford Sherwood, 40, Los Angeles newspaper columnist, shot himself in the head today as he drove his automobile through Burbank, and died later in a hospital. -CONTINUED- Lounsbury left an estate estimated at more than $1,000,000 to William H. Griffiths of Bridgeport, and his wife, Mrs. Sarah Lounsbury Griffiths, a niece of the former Governor. Frederick Quintard of Norwalk, a relative, contested the will on the grounds that Griffiths had used undue influence. Homer S. Cummings, now Attorney General of the United States, was Quintard's attorney. ★
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The Burlington Free Press Burlington, Vermont Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 1 — Sought For Slaying Sherwood Shoots Self — Los Angeles, June 20. (AP)— While authorities sought him for the slaying of Gabrielle Andrieux, 28, Hollywood French modiste, Clifford Sherwood, 40, Los Angeles newspaper columnist, shot himself in the head today as he drove his automobile through Burbank, and died later in a hospital. Sherwood, known as a chess expert and an eccentric, was believed to be the grand-nephew of two Connecticut governors. He had been importuning Miss Andrieux to marry him and the woman told a friend a few days before the shooting he had threatened to kill her if she did not accept him.
In Sherwood's machine, which swerved off the pavement after he shot himself, and then crashed into a tree, were found newspaper clippings pertaining to the killing of Miss Andrieux and other clippings about a legal fight in 1925 over the will of Rhineas C. Lounsbury, who was governor of Connecticut from 1887 to 1889.
Lounsbury's brother, George E., was Connecticut's governor from 1889 to 1901. Sherwood was believed to be a grandson of Mrs. Alson B. Sherwood, sister of the governors.
Miss Andrieux was shot to death yesterday in her Hollywood residence. Her parents reside in France but she had been in the United States several years.
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Intelligencer Journal Lancaster, Pennsylvania Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 7 — Suicide Closes Murder Mystery — Hollywood (UP) Police Tuesday night closed their investigation into the love slaying of pretty Gabrielle Andrieux, twenty-eight-year-old French modiste, found bludgeoned and shot to death late Monday in the little gown shop where she was employed. Clifford Sherwood, forty, chess expert, and Los Angeles newspaperman sought by police for questioning in the shooting, was found dying of self-inflicted wounds in his parked automobile at Burbank early Tuesday. He died without being able to give a statement to officers. -CONTINUED-
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The Missoulian Missoula, Montana Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 7 — Man Who Shot Woman Wounded By Own Hand — Los Angeles, June 20. —(AP)— Sought to answer for the slaying of Miss Gabrielle Andrieux, French seamstress, Clifford Sherwood was found on a street in nearby Burbank early today with a bullet wound in his head. Police said the wound was apparently self-inflicted. Miss Andrieux, 28, was killed yesterday in a Hollywood bungalow. The regular occupant of the bungalow, Mrs. Lucie Belville, a dressmaker, said that Sherwood, a chess expert, had threatened to kill the woman if she did not marry him. Sherwood had shot himself while seated in an automobile, police said, and a pistol was clutched in his hand. They believed the weapon to be the same one with which Miss Andrieux was attacked.
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The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California Wednesday, June 21, 1933 - Page 16 — Love Tragedy Gun Ends Second Life - Suicide Checks Murder Inquiry; Chess Expert Dies of Wound After Killing Modiste. Hunted Man, Found in Car, Expires in Hospital. Kin of Two Governors Called Mentally Perturbed. — “Checkmate!” Death, with immutable fingers, slipped across the chess board of life yesterday afternoon and ended the game in which police were waiting to move against Cliff Sherwood, 40-year-old chess expert, for the murder of Miss Gabriella Andrieux, French modiste, in her home at 1748½ North Wilcox avenue, Monday afternoon.
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