The Courier-Journal Louisville, Kentucky Sunday, January 01, 1956 - Page 10 — Louisville Open Tourney Starts Here January 21 — Well, there's just never a dull moment for chess players. Not around Louisville, anyway. Not satisfied with having completed the most active year in its 90-year history, the Louisville Chess Club starts off the New Year by announcing plans for a city-wide tournament on a grand scale. This tournament, starting Saturday, January 21, should have wide appeal because: 1) It will be wide open to all players, young and old, men and women. This means you don't have to be a club member to compete. 2) Tournament games will be held in the club rooms at the Y.M.C.A., Third and Broadway, on Saturday afternoons, a time when most persons are free to play. 3) Games will be continued on successive Saturdays until winners in all divisions have been determined. 4) The tourney will be split into sections according to each group's relative playing strength…
Read more Chess Columns from 1956.